So the month of November I intended on sharing each and every day something I was thankful for. Ends up life took its own course and I didnt get the opportunity to do it every day. Which means I still have a bit more to share and thought this is just as good a month as November to be thankful.
Sometimes in life there are certain people that just tip toe into your life and move their way into the deepest part of your heart and take up a residency there. Its the type of "I am settling in and plan to be here for a long time residency" The kind that you'd be absolutely lost without. That is what my oldest son's love of his life, has done over the course of the past several years. Miss Paige Cline has become a HUGE part of our family and I am so thankful for her.
I am thankful for how REAL she is. This is a huge requirement in any relationship as far as I am concerned. I want to know the REAL you. the good the bad and the crazy. :) Paige is real, you know if she tells you something its coming from her heart and not something she is just saying to say. She truly is one of the most loyal people I know and when she cares about someone, she cares about them with every ounce of her being. I can truly say that I know without a shadow of a doubt that this is one young lady that I can ALWAYS count on to have my back and to help hold me up when life has made my knees a little weak. Not only is Paige this person to me, but to our family.
I am thankful for the role Paige has taken in my 2 youngest boys lives. Paige has always made a huge effort to support them in all of their sporting events, choir, musicals, achievment ceremonies and any other areas that she could. Although she has went to school and/or worked 2 jobs for as long as I have known her, she has ALWAYS made the effort to make sure to find out the boys schedules and be a constant 'cheerleader' in their lives. Paige has been like an older sister to the boys and I am so thankful that they have had her to not only count on as a constant in their life, but she has also set a wonderful example to them of how a woman should treat not only the person she loves but also their family.
I am very thankful to know that my son Mark has such a remarkable young lady such as Paige to share his life with. Of course I love my children and think they deserve nothing but the best and this is what he has gotten. The qualities I desribed about Paige, being supportive, loyal and honest are all qualities that shine in her relationship with Mark. She truly loves him and its so obvious that his happiness is of importance to her. It brings my heart so much joy to know that Mark has someone who cares about him the way Paige does.
I could go on and on about all the things I am thankful for about Paige. Anyone who knows me, knows I adore Paige. She has become like a daughter to me. I feel we have a very special relationship and that I can show her my good my bad and even my crazy and shes gonna love me in spite of it all. Not only does she own a huge part of my heart but she has also taken up a space in my husbands and I am thankful for the very special relationship they have as well. She cares about all of us and embraces us as her family and I am so very thankful that she is part of all of our lives. Not only is she part of this family but she has become a very special friend. Hugs and Love to you Miss Paige Cline, you are a true blessing to all of us.
Life decides where you are going but you decide how you will arrive. Will it be, being the best you can be? or at times will you choose to arrive at your worst. Regardless, always own it, always own who you are, no one else can.

Joy of my life!!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
I am thankful for my daughter Tara
She was 4 years old when I met her. The first day I met her she jumped right up into her dads truck and was ready to conquer the world...... or at least the boys that she'd be spending the weekend with. :) Being the oldest of 2 boys at the age of 4 was a pretty big responsibility and one that if ANYONE could handle, TARA could.
Assuming the position of being a parental figure but not crossing the line and trying to take the "Mom" spot in a child's life can be somewhat of a tough rope to balance in itself. Add to that, the fact you are 22 years old and have spent your last 3 years learning how to parent a son and now need to be able to apply that to a 4 year old little girl, it can be even a bit tougher. I am very thankful that Tara wasn't to much of a girly girl and even at the age of 4 could show me some grace for not always knowing exactly what I was doing.
I am thankful for Tara's desire to just jump in and have a good time. I am thankful for the older sister role she played in the boys life when she was younger and her desire to be helpful. At the age of 9 she had 4 younger brothers and she could be very helpful. I am thankful for her adventurous spirit and her desire to try new things in life.
I am thankful for the areas in Tara's life that she has made room for me to get to be part of some of the "mother/ daughter" things that you just dont get to do with boys. Although I love my boys to pieces, I am thankful I was able to be part of some of the girl things with Tara as well. I am thankful for her including me on lots of boy talk when she was in middle school and high school, I am thankful for getting to help her pick out a few dresses for the school dances and for getting to be part of helping her with her wedding. Sitting around the table with her as we made her flowers for her wedding is a memory I will always be thankful for. I do cherish the memories I have with Tara and I am thankful I have her as a daughter.
Assuming the position of being a parental figure but not crossing the line and trying to take the "Mom" spot in a child's life can be somewhat of a tough rope to balance in itself. Add to that, the fact you are 22 years old and have spent your last 3 years learning how to parent a son and now need to be able to apply that to a 4 year old little girl, it can be even a bit tougher. I am very thankful that Tara wasn't to much of a girly girl and even at the age of 4 could show me some grace for not always knowing exactly what I was doing.
I am thankful for Tara's desire to just jump in and have a good time. I am thankful for the older sister role she played in the boys life when she was younger and her desire to be helpful. At the age of 9 she had 4 younger brothers and she could be very helpful. I am thankful for her adventurous spirit and her desire to try new things in life.
I am thankful for the areas in Tara's life that she has made room for me to get to be part of some of the "mother/ daughter" things that you just dont get to do with boys. Although I love my boys to pieces, I am thankful I was able to be part of some of the girl things with Tara as well. I am thankful for her including me on lots of boy talk when she was in middle school and high school, I am thankful for getting to help her pick out a few dresses for the school dances and for getting to be part of helping her with her wedding. Sitting around the table with her as we made her flowers for her wedding is a memory I will always be thankful for. I do cherish the memories I have with Tara and I am thankful I have her as a daughter.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thankful for my son Aaron
He was 2 and half years old when I met him. I fell in love with his father at the age of 22 and instantly went from having my own 3 year old son to an additional 2 children. My now-daughter Tara who was 4 and Aaron. I remember when I first met him, we were riding in his dad's work truck and he being just a little guy put one hand on his dads lap and said "My Daddy", then he placed his hand on my lap and said as a question "Mommy?" We both told him that I was Becky. Aaron had his Mommy and there was no reason to confuse him nor did I ever plan to take her place, Aaron seemed content with our answer. However, little did I know on that day many years ago, that regardless if I wasn't the "Mommy" and never would be the "Mommy" because in all fairness, he had one..... I would grow to love him just like any Mommy loves her son.
I am very thankful for my relationship with Aaron. Due to the circumstances, things were not always the easiest and to be honest there were a few times we down right struggled with our place in each others lives. I am so thankful for Aaron's willingness to keep moving forward. I am thankful for his down to earth outlook on things and his ability to try to understand how the other person is feeling. I am thankful for the way Aaron pays attention to other people and has a genuine interest in how other people are doing in their lives. Aaron is a supportive person of other people and the goals that person has in their lives and he shares in other peoples excitement when they have accomplished something.
I am thankful for Aaron's enthusiasm, he is always up to trying new things and trys to keep a positive outlook on what we are doing. I am also thankful for his even temper and how he is slow to anger and carefully considers different perspectives. He is the person who likes to try to calm the storms. He is also a good guy to have around when trying to get something accomplished. He doesn't give up easily and is good at encouraging those around him that if there is a will there is a way. An example of that would be his ability to be handed a tent he has never seen before, that is probably missing half the poles and no instructions, yet he still puts forward his best effort and can usually set the thing up. To me this is a testament of keeping a good attitude toward all possibilities.
I am most thankful for Aaron's heart, his willingness to see things for what they are instead of what things may seem to be. I am thankful for the many conversations we have had and the many times we have been able to work thru difficult situations. I am very proud of Aaron and the way he treats the people in his life and the respect he displays for himself. I consider it a blessing to have gotten to play in some sort of parental role in his life and become good friends thru the years. Although I know and respect the fact that I will never be Aaron's "Mommy" he will always be my son, whom I love dearly and am very thankful for. I love you Aaron and am glad we have the relationship we have, you are a blessing in my life.
I am very thankful for my relationship with Aaron. Due to the circumstances, things were not always the easiest and to be honest there were a few times we down right struggled with our place in each others lives. I am so thankful for Aaron's willingness to keep moving forward. I am thankful for his down to earth outlook on things and his ability to try to understand how the other person is feeling. I am thankful for the way Aaron pays attention to other people and has a genuine interest in how other people are doing in their lives. Aaron is a supportive person of other people and the goals that person has in their lives and he shares in other peoples excitement when they have accomplished something.
I am thankful for Aaron's enthusiasm, he is always up to trying new things and trys to keep a positive outlook on what we are doing. I am also thankful for his even temper and how he is slow to anger and carefully considers different perspectives. He is the person who likes to try to calm the storms. He is also a good guy to have around when trying to get something accomplished. He doesn't give up easily and is good at encouraging those around him that if there is a will there is a way. An example of that would be his ability to be handed a tent he has never seen before, that is probably missing half the poles and no instructions, yet he still puts forward his best effort and can usually set the thing up. To me this is a testament of keeping a good attitude toward all possibilities.
I am most thankful for Aaron's heart, his willingness to see things for what they are instead of what things may seem to be. I am thankful for the many conversations we have had and the many times we have been able to work thru difficult situations. I am very proud of Aaron and the way he treats the people in his life and the respect he displays for himself. I consider it a blessing to have gotten to play in some sort of parental role in his life and become good friends thru the years. Although I know and respect the fact that I will never be Aaron's "Mommy" he will always be my son, whom I love dearly and am very thankful for. I love you Aaron and am glad we have the relationship we have, you are a blessing in my life.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thankful for my son Mark
When I look back at how young I was when I had my oldest son Mark, it amazes me. I was barely 19 years old the day he was born. I am so thankful that God's grace was over me and helped me. I am so thankful that although I was so young he blessed me with such a wonderful son.
I am thankful for Mark and the way he stands up for everything he believes in. I am thankful for his loyalty to the people he loves and his willingness to stand behind people and support people. Mark is one of the most loyal people you are ever going to meet. Hes that one guy that most people who know him would quickly say his name if they were asked, "If you were in a position you needed someone to have your back, who would you choose?" I am thankful for Mark's heart and his willingness to consider how other people might be feeling. You may not always see it, but he is always taking in what is being said and he is open to considering the other side. I am thankful for this quality because it opens his heart to different ideas.
I am thankful for what great care Mark takes of the things he has and how much he appreciates things that are given to him or done for him. I am thankful for the friendship I have with Mark and the fact that he is part of our life not just because hes our child and we are his parents, but he truly shows interest in our lives and wanting to spend time with us. We have had so many great memories that alot of parents may not get the opportunity to have with their adult children.
I am thankful for Marks love for the Lord and his desire to learn more about him and have a closer relationship with him. I am thankful for his willingness to wittness about the Love Jesus has for us even at times that its not the easiest to do so. I am very proud and thankful for how encouraging Mark has been to other family members with their music and Marks desire to help people sound the best they can. Mark has a wonderful spirit that cares for and loves other people and I have felt so blessed to be able to be his mother. I am thankful for his grace he has had for me as his Mom. I remember talking to him once about me questioning if I was as good of a Mom to him at 19 and my early 20s as I was to Derek in my late 20s and 30s His response was full of love and compassion when he said "Mom when someone does something, year to year they should definitely get BETTER at whatever they are doing, so I EXPECT you to be better now then you were that many years ago" He has an awesome heart and I am honored that I have been given the blessing of being his Mother.
I am thankful for Mark and the way he stands up for everything he believes in. I am thankful for his loyalty to the people he loves and his willingness to stand behind people and support people. Mark is one of the most loyal people you are ever going to meet. Hes that one guy that most people who know him would quickly say his name if they were asked, "If you were in a position you needed someone to have your back, who would you choose?" I am thankful for Mark's heart and his willingness to consider how other people might be feeling. You may not always see it, but he is always taking in what is being said and he is open to considering the other side. I am thankful for this quality because it opens his heart to different ideas.
I am thankful for what great care Mark takes of the things he has and how much he appreciates things that are given to him or done for him. I am thankful for the friendship I have with Mark and the fact that he is part of our life not just because hes our child and we are his parents, but he truly shows interest in our lives and wanting to spend time with us. We have had so many great memories that alot of parents may not get the opportunity to have with their adult children.
I am thankful for Marks love for the Lord and his desire to learn more about him and have a closer relationship with him. I am thankful for his willingness to wittness about the Love Jesus has for us even at times that its not the easiest to do so. I am very proud and thankful for how encouraging Mark has been to other family members with their music and Marks desire to help people sound the best they can. Mark has a wonderful spirit that cares for and loves other people and I have felt so blessed to be able to be his mother. I am thankful for his grace he has had for me as his Mom. I remember talking to him once about me questioning if I was as good of a Mom to him at 19 and my early 20s as I was to Derek in my late 20s and 30s His response was full of love and compassion when he said "Mom when someone does something, year to year they should definitely get BETTER at whatever they are doing, so I EXPECT you to be better now then you were that many years ago" He has an awesome heart and I am honored that I have been given the blessing of being his Mother.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I am thankful for my son Daniel
I am thankful for my son Daniel. Daniel is my 2nd child I gave birth to and I was 23 years old when he was born. Since he is going to be turning 19 years old not much past the turn of the new year, it seems like so long ago but yet it also seems like just yesterday when he came into this world.
I am very thankful for his way of getting people to look at the 'other' side of things. He is one of those people you can sit and talk to for hours about anything from the Bible to why people behave in different ways. I am very thankful for the many conversations I have had with Daniel and the different ideas that he brings to the table.
I am thankful for Daniel's love for God and his willingness to try to follow him and live his life for God and not of the world. As Daniel has grown up I watched how his love he has had for the Lord has sometimes separated him from other people. I have watched as he has learned and grown from these experiences and although he may have at different times wandered down the path of trying to figure out what the world is about, he has always come back to the roots and foundation of what God has planned for his life. I am thankful for my relationship with Daniel and his willingness to be open and honest with me and allowed me to share in his life regardless of where he is at. I am thankful for his transparency and willingness to allow people to see his heart and who he is.
I am thankful for Daniel's funny side that makes me laugh, his sweet side that is generous with compliments for other people, his love for people and his ability to see the good in people. I appreciate the way Daniel treats his family. I am thankful for his work ethic and his willingness to work hard with his schooling. I am thankful for his attentiveness and the thoughtful way that he asks me how things are in my life. Daniel is a joy to have as a son and I think I have learned as much from him as what I have taught him. I am thankful that the Lord decided to bless me with being his mother and am thankful for the friendship we are building now that he has become an adult. I cannot imagine my life without having Daniel in it. Thank you God for allowing me to be Daniel's mother.
I am very thankful for his way of getting people to look at the 'other' side of things. He is one of those people you can sit and talk to for hours about anything from the Bible to why people behave in different ways. I am very thankful for the many conversations I have had with Daniel and the different ideas that he brings to the table.
I am thankful for Daniel's love for God and his willingness to try to follow him and live his life for God and not of the world. As Daniel has grown up I watched how his love he has had for the Lord has sometimes separated him from other people. I have watched as he has learned and grown from these experiences and although he may have at different times wandered down the path of trying to figure out what the world is about, he has always come back to the roots and foundation of what God has planned for his life. I am thankful for my relationship with Daniel and his willingness to be open and honest with me and allowed me to share in his life regardless of where he is at. I am thankful for his transparency and willingness to allow people to see his heart and who he is.
I am thankful for Daniel's funny side that makes me laugh, his sweet side that is generous with compliments for other people, his love for people and his ability to see the good in people. I appreciate the way Daniel treats his family. I am thankful for his work ethic and his willingness to work hard with his schooling. I am thankful for his attentiveness and the thoughtful way that he asks me how things are in my life. Daniel is a joy to have as a son and I think I have learned as much from him as what I have taught him. I am thankful that the Lord decided to bless me with being his mother and am thankful for the friendship we are building now that he has become an adult. I cannot imagine my life without having Daniel in it. Thank you God for allowing me to be Daniel's mother.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Friendships are a reason to be thankful
I am very thankful for my friendships with other women. I absolutely love spending time with other women and learning about their passions and their hearts. Healthy friendships with other women can be so encouraging and supportive and I thank God for the friendships I have with these women. I am especially thankful for my friendships with Christian women that have helped me in my walk with the Lord.
I am very thankful for all of my friendships with other women however I'd like to give special thanks for my friendship with Michele. Michele and I have known eachother since we were 18 and 19 years old and its a friendship that has grown to be where she is more like a sister to me. I met Michele because she is actually my first husband's cousin. I like to joke that I got Michele in the divorce. :) Truth is she had a huge soft spot for my oldest son Mark and then when I remarried and 4 other children came into the picture that huge soft spot she had for Mark just grew bigger and it was for all of my children. She has been there for so many of my children's events and important milestones in their lives. She is actually their Godmother as well. :) Thru the years we have developed a very close friendship.
I am thankful for my friendship with Michele and the blessing she has been to our family. She is very loving and always willing to be there for the people in our family. Michele is one of those friends that I know absolutely without ANY doubt at all, she has my best interest at heart. I know that anything I tell her is safe and she would never use anything to hurt me or share private things about me with anyone else. She is a TRUE friend by every definition of the word and I am so thankful that I have a friend like her. Michele is fun to be around, she accepts me just the way I am. I know how blessed I am to have a friend like Michele Lerch and am thankful that we have shared so much together. I love you tons Michele and I thank you for being such an awesome friend to me.
I am very thankful for all of my friendships with other women however I'd like to give special thanks for my friendship with Michele. Michele and I have known eachother since we were 18 and 19 years old and its a friendship that has grown to be where she is more like a sister to me. I met Michele because she is actually my first husband's cousin. I like to joke that I got Michele in the divorce. :) Truth is she had a huge soft spot for my oldest son Mark and then when I remarried and 4 other children came into the picture that huge soft spot she had for Mark just grew bigger and it was for all of my children. She has been there for so many of my children's events and important milestones in their lives. She is actually their Godmother as well. :) Thru the years we have developed a very close friendship.
I am thankful for my friendship with Michele and the blessing she has been to our family. She is very loving and always willing to be there for the people in our family. Michele is one of those friends that I know absolutely without ANY doubt at all, she has my best interest at heart. I know that anything I tell her is safe and she would never use anything to hurt me or share private things about me with anyone else. She is a TRUE friend by every definition of the word and I am so thankful that I have a friend like her. Michele is fun to be around, she accepts me just the way I am. I know how blessed I am to have a friend like Michele Lerch and am thankful that we have shared so much together. I love you tons Michele and I thank you for being such an awesome friend to me.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I am thankful for my son Derek
As I am finally getting ready to wind down after a wonderful weekend I would like to give thanks for my son Derek Quinby. We just got done spending the weekend celebrating his 15th birthday and for the life of me I cannot figure out where the years have went.
I am so thankful for Derek and the joy he brings to our family. Derek is just one of those guys that can make you smile no matter whats going on and he is always true to himself in the way that what you see is what you get. He doesn't change to please other people or act a certain way so he can fit in with the crowd. He is true to himself and what he believes in. Unfortunately being true to yourself at 15 years old and not giving in to act the way many 15 year old feel its necessary to act and talk to win others over, isn't always the most popular route but one I am glad Derek has chosen to take.
I am thankful for the way Derek treats other people. Anyone who has had Derek for a friend knows he is one of those friends that is going to be there for you no matter what. He has always been good to other people and treats them with respect. I have gotten so many compliments from teachers etc, over the years that are so amazed with how good Derek is to his classmates and anyone he comes in contact with. I am thankful that I can be proud of the way he treats other people.
I am thankful for Dereks attitude and the way he looks at things in life, thankful for his character and the way it shines in his actions, thankful for his love to his family, his loyalty to those who love him, thankful for his love for God and willingness to follow God and not follow the crowd. I am thankful for his integrity, his cheerful personality, his AMAZING sense of humor, his willingness to try new things and give it 100%, thankful that he never gives up on himself or others and most importantly I am soooo thankful that Derek Andrew-Scott Quinby is my son. I love him so much and can't imagine even for a micro bit of a insty bitsy second, what my life would have been like, had I not had Derek for a son. He has added so much to my life and I am forever thankful to God for choosing ME to be his mother. Another birthday has past and I am looking forward to celebrating each year with Derek, his birthday WEEK, Derek EVE and his Birthday. :)
I am so thankful for Derek and the joy he brings to our family. Derek is just one of those guys that can make you smile no matter whats going on and he is always true to himself in the way that what you see is what you get. He doesn't change to please other people or act a certain way so he can fit in with the crowd. He is true to himself and what he believes in. Unfortunately being true to yourself at 15 years old and not giving in to act the way many 15 year old feel its necessary to act and talk to win others over, isn't always the most popular route but one I am glad Derek has chosen to take.
I am thankful for the way Derek treats other people. Anyone who has had Derek for a friend knows he is one of those friends that is going to be there for you no matter what. He has always been good to other people and treats them with respect. I have gotten so many compliments from teachers etc, over the years that are so amazed with how good Derek is to his classmates and anyone he comes in contact with. I am thankful that I can be proud of the way he treats other people.
I am thankful for Dereks attitude and the way he looks at things in life, thankful for his character and the way it shines in his actions, thankful for his love to his family, his loyalty to those who love him, thankful for his love for God and willingness to follow God and not follow the crowd. I am thankful for his integrity, his cheerful personality, his AMAZING sense of humor, his willingness to try new things and give it 100%, thankful that he never gives up on himself or others and most importantly I am soooo thankful that Derek Andrew-Scott Quinby is my son. I love him so much and can't imagine even for a micro bit of a insty bitsy second, what my life would have been like, had I not had Derek for a son. He has added so much to my life and I am forever thankful to God for choosing ME to be his mother. Another birthday has past and I am looking forward to celebrating each year with Derek, his birthday WEEK, Derek EVE and his Birthday. :)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thankful for my Food, Clothing and Shelter
I am giving thanks for 3 things in this blog. Although it sounds like the typical thing to say........ food, clothing and shelter.... honestly its something many of us take for granted.
Unfortunately when most people think of the 'starving' they think of only people in other countries. I am aware that there is a huge crisis of starvation in other countries but there is also starvation right here in our backyards. If you ate even one meal today, you are more blessed then billions of people in this world. My husband and I went out today, to purchase items for some food bags, as part of a Love Wins campaign our church is doing. The campaign is assisting families with getting the fixins for a Thanksgiving meal. This is our 3rd year participating in this and what we do is so small yet will be such a blessing to someone else. We have a place in Cedar Rapids called Mission of Hope that I was able to volunteer at a couple of times and hope to spend more time there in the future. This place accepts food year round and feeds people year round. I am thankful for the food that is donated there and challenge everyone to make a contribution at a place such as this, not just for the holidays but year round.
I am thankful also for clothing and honestly I have way more then I should have. Another thing that we could all do to help others is quit hanging onto clothes we will never wear and donate them to a local goodwill or shelter. My husband and I challenged eachother to this today to donate some of our clothes and for us this will be something that someone else needs to hold us accountable for. :) We are totally bad at hanging onto clothes way past the time we should. If you are reading this, please feel free to hold us accountable in this area.
I am thankful for my home and know that I am so blessed to have the things I have. My home is beautiful and way more then I ever dreamed of having. I will always remember my father standing on my four seasons porch and looking out onto our acres of land and saying to me "Sweetheart, this is the most beautiful place, you have no reason to ever want for any more then this" :) My dad liked to keep things in perspective and he was as usual right about my home. Its beautiful and I am so thankful for the time I have spent here. I dont hang onto it real tightly because you always have to be prepared to move in the direction God wants you to in life, but I do treasure the time we have spent here. I am very thankful for my home and all the things God has blessed me with.
Unfortunately when most people think of the 'starving' they think of only people in other countries. I am aware that there is a huge crisis of starvation in other countries but there is also starvation right here in our backyards. If you ate even one meal today, you are more blessed then billions of people in this world. My husband and I went out today, to purchase items for some food bags, as part of a Love Wins campaign our church is doing. The campaign is assisting families with getting the fixins for a Thanksgiving meal. This is our 3rd year participating in this and what we do is so small yet will be such a blessing to someone else. We have a place in Cedar Rapids called Mission of Hope that I was able to volunteer at a couple of times and hope to spend more time there in the future. This place accepts food year round and feeds people year round. I am thankful for the food that is donated there and challenge everyone to make a contribution at a place such as this, not just for the holidays but year round.
I am thankful also for clothing and honestly I have way more then I should have. Another thing that we could all do to help others is quit hanging onto clothes we will never wear and donate them to a local goodwill or shelter. My husband and I challenged eachother to this today to donate some of our clothes and for us this will be something that someone else needs to hold us accountable for. :) We are totally bad at hanging onto clothes way past the time we should. If you are reading this, please feel free to hold us accountable in this area.
I am thankful for my home and know that I am so blessed to have the things I have. My home is beautiful and way more then I ever dreamed of having. I will always remember my father standing on my four seasons porch and looking out onto our acres of land and saying to me "Sweetheart, this is the most beautiful place, you have no reason to ever want for any more then this" :) My dad liked to keep things in perspective and he was as usual right about my home. Its beautiful and I am so thankful for the time I have spent here. I dont hang onto it real tightly because you always have to be prepared to move in the direction God wants you to in life, but I do treasure the time we have spent here. I am very thankful for my home and all the things God has blessed me with.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thankful For My Man Dan!!
One of the most important things I am thankful for is my husband. The two of us have been thru so much and didnt have what you would call the easiest start. We started dating when I was 22 years old and he had just turned 24 years old. He had a 4 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I had a 3 year old son. It was a second marraige for both of us. Statistics dont prove for couples with this sort of start at this age to last much past the first couple of years.
Thru the years, we have always been able to find a way to encourage eachother thru some very difficult times, love eachother despite our somewhat strong differences at times and most importantly we have always been able to laugh together.
I am so thankful to have a husband like Dan. Not only has he been there for me thru so much, but he has allowed me to be there for my children practically 100% of the time. He was always supportive of me being a full time Mom and this is the best thing anyone has ever done for me. I know he has made many sacrafices and worked many long hours to ensure there was a full time mother in our home for our children. For this I will be forever thankful. I love being able to be available for my children and my husband full time and I realize what a blessing this is.
I am thankful for my husband for many reasons. I love his faithfulness, his fun nature and how interactive he has been as a dad. I love his sense of humor and his OBVIOUS good looks are a huge plus. :) I am very thankful to have a husband who enjoys family time, enjoys being at home and doesnt have the desire to run around with the guys all the time.
Dan is probably the most forgiving persons I have ever met, which is good for me since I make my fair share of mistakes. :) One of the things I am most thankful regarding my husband is that he is a man of God. He truly loves the Lord and he has shared so much with our family in the way of using his talents to glorify God. I am so thankful that while we were in our late 20s we both came to a point that we desired a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that from then forward we have tried to always make Jesus part of our marriage.
When I hear of a older person losing their spouse, it just makes my heart ache but also makes me send a prayer up to the good Lord asking that I can grow old with Dan. Just the thought of not having him with me thru this crazy thing called life is heartbreaking. I am so thankful for the years we have had together and pray God has it planned for us to spend many more. Its just one of those really great things in life that I never want to end. :) I love you Dan Quinby
Thru the years, we have always been able to find a way to encourage eachother thru some very difficult times, love eachother despite our somewhat strong differences at times and most importantly we have always been able to laugh together.
I am so thankful to have a husband like Dan. Not only has he been there for me thru so much, but he has allowed me to be there for my children practically 100% of the time. He was always supportive of me being a full time Mom and this is the best thing anyone has ever done for me. I know he has made many sacrafices and worked many long hours to ensure there was a full time mother in our home for our children. For this I will be forever thankful. I love being able to be available for my children and my husband full time and I realize what a blessing this is.
I am thankful for my husband for many reasons. I love his faithfulness, his fun nature and how interactive he has been as a dad. I love his sense of humor and his OBVIOUS good looks are a huge plus. :) I am very thankful to have a husband who enjoys family time, enjoys being at home and doesnt have the desire to run around with the guys all the time.
Dan is probably the most forgiving persons I have ever met, which is good for me since I make my fair share of mistakes. :) One of the things I am most thankful regarding my husband is that he is a man of God. He truly loves the Lord and he has shared so much with our family in the way of using his talents to glorify God. I am so thankful that while we were in our late 20s we both came to a point that we desired a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that from then forward we have tried to always make Jesus part of our marriage.
When I hear of a older person losing their spouse, it just makes my heart ache but also makes me send a prayer up to the good Lord asking that I can grow old with Dan. Just the thought of not having him with me thru this crazy thing called life is heartbreaking. I am so thankful for the years we have had together and pray God has it planned for us to spend many more. Its just one of those really great things in life that I never want to end. :) I love you Dan Quinby
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Thankful for the Internet and Social Networking
I am thankful for the internet. I think its absolutely amazing the wealth of information that can be found on the internet. I remember when I was a young girl often thinking "Geeesh how much more can our world advance?" I thought we were so advanced with our Radios, VCRS, Television, Ataris and Automobiles. I seriously couldnt think of anything else that we could advance to. I would have never in my wildest dreams imagined I would have a device sitting in my kitchen that I could jump on to look up a recipe, or how many quarts are in a gallon, or what movies are playing, or the enormous amounts of questions I have asked this thing we call the internet. Unless you never had the internet, you dont realize how lucky you are to have so much at your fingertips. Information that you once had to get on the phone and call around to find out, head to the library or local bookstore to get the information. I remember once not being able to remember how to get my shampooer on my Kirby to work, guess who told me? Mr Internet. Yep Mr Internet has answered many questions for me and I am thankful for the convenience that some of you have no idea what it was like not to have.
I am also thankful for social networking. Life is busy and its hard to always keep up with everyone in our lives but thanks to facebook I can jump on and check for updates from my children, friends from church and even my old highschool friends whom although I dont get to see to much, I LOVE seeing pictures of their children and knowing whats going on in their lives. I love being able to have the knowledge of what people may need prayer for and to be able to put it out there for so many to see and hopefully act on, when I or my family needs prayer as well
I am very thankful for these things in my life.
I am also thankful for social networking. Life is busy and its hard to always keep up with everyone in our lives but thanks to facebook I can jump on and check for updates from my children, friends from church and even my old highschool friends whom although I dont get to see to much, I LOVE seeing pictures of their children and knowing whats going on in their lives. I love being able to have the knowledge of what people may need prayer for and to be able to put it out there for so many to see and hopefully act on, when I or my family needs prayer as well
I am very thankful for these things in my life.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thankful for Health, Doctors and Medications
I am thankful for a healthy family for the most part. We deal with different seasonal illnesses and they serve as a reminder of how important our health is and the fact there are many people who suffer daily with chronic illnesses. I am very thankful for the health we have. I am also thankful for the opportunity to ben treated by doctors and for medications to help us to feel better or ease the pain when we are sick. For my 8th, 9th and 10th days of sharing what I am thankful of I am thankful for our Health, Doctors and Medications. After Daniel dealing with a week long illness and Mark being under the weather as well this week, it is a huge reminder of how much we have to be thankful for.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thankful For My Grandsons Jayse and Jayden Day 6 and 7
Just like the name of my blog........... Life Happens........ and therefore I am behind on my days of what I am thankful for. I have a game plan for sharing at least 2 things each day till I am caught up.... but LIFE may HAPPEN again, so we will just see how it goes. :)
I would like to share that I am thankful for my grandsons Jay and Jayse. Although I don't get to see Jayse very much because he lives with his mom in another state, I am still very thankful for him. (Jayse is my son in law's little boy from his first marriage so he is what I like to call a bonus child of my daughters) She gets the bonus of having him along with her husband. :) The times I have spent with Jayse, he has been full of life and its obvious he likes to have fun. I am thankful for the joy he brings to his family and especially the way my youngest grandson's eyes light up when you ask him about his big brother. Its obvious that even though there are miles between them, they have built a beautiful bond in the time they do spend together.
Jayden is the first grandchild in the family that one of our children have parented and I have known him since within minutes of him being born. I am thankful for Jay and the new dynamics he brings to our family. I am thankful for the little kid he brings out in all of us and his adventurous spirit. I am thankful for the way he says I love you Nana, and how sweet it is when he sits next to me and rubs his little hand over my hand. I am thankful for the time I get to spend with him and thankful that as a Nana we can enjoy them without all the responsibilities. :) Jayden and Jayse are both very special young boys and I am thankful that I am their Nana.
I would like to share that I am thankful for my grandsons Jay and Jayse. Although I don't get to see Jayse very much because he lives with his mom in another state, I am still very thankful for him. (Jayse is my son in law's little boy from his first marriage so he is what I like to call a bonus child of my daughters) She gets the bonus of having him along with her husband. :) The times I have spent with Jayse, he has been full of life and its obvious he likes to have fun. I am thankful for the joy he brings to his family and especially the way my youngest grandson's eyes light up when you ask him about his big brother. Its obvious that even though there are miles between them, they have built a beautiful bond in the time they do spend together.
Jayden is the first grandchild in the family that one of our children have parented and I have known him since within minutes of him being born. I am thankful for Jay and the new dynamics he brings to our family. I am thankful for the little kid he brings out in all of us and his adventurous spirit. I am thankful for the way he says I love you Nana, and how sweet it is when he sits next to me and rubs his little hand over my hand. I am thankful for the time I get to spend with him and thankful that as a Nana we can enjoy them without all the responsibilities. :) Jayden and Jayse are both very special young boys and I am thankful that I am their Nana.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Thankful for my Dad
Today I am sharing my thanks for my father. Its been about 6 years since I was able to spend time with him. The last time I spent alone time with him was at the hospital before he passed way, I sat by his bed and sang Amazing Grace to him. You see I knew there wasnt a lot of time left to spend with him and this was about the only thing that I could get out of my mouth. As touching as that sounds, I know if he would of been able, he probably would of asked me to stop. LOL I dont have the best of a singing voice and he wouldnt of been shy about telling me so. :) My dad was a tell it how it is type of guy and he wasnt to concerned with who liked him. He himself would tell you he cared way more about animals then people. Oddly enough, this warmed my heart because I knew his love was so HUGE for animals that it wasnt an insult to mankind at all.
When I think of my father I think of:
Easter egg hunts every easter with plastic eggs w/ money in them.
Pretty dresses he loved to buy us
His beard thinner I unfortunately mistaked for a comb.
Camping and fishing
Sausage links for breakfast
Diet Pepsi
Pall Malls
The sound of his voice when he said "sweetheart"
"Love You More"
Quarters under the diet pepsi can.
Wendy Oaks
Used Cars
How much he loved his grandkids, they meant the world to him and he loved to tease them.
His habit of saying EXACTLY what was on his mind.
His desire for us to appreciate what we had and never stop chasing our dreams.
My dad and I had a relationship that grew stronger as I got older. I cherish the time I had with my dad and I am thankful that I had an open heart and didnt shut doors to our relationship when things weren't always exactly what I may have wanted. I have a firm belief that both my parents did the best they could with what they knew. As my dad grew older and wiser and knew more, he implemented it. I have wonderful memories with him as a little girl and some even fonder ones when I was an adult. As much as it pained me to be there thru the diabetes and his leg amputation, I am thankful that I got to be part of his life at that time. Its at our darkest hours that sometimes God can bring the biggest blessings and my dad was a huge blessing to me. I miss him very much and will be forever thankful him teaching me to appreciate what I had, to try to understand my husbands point of view in a disagreement, (My dad LOVED my husband and as far as he was concerned Dan could do no wrong, so this served as a tool for me to understand Dan's side more when I was upset with him about something). My dad taught me about making things work for yourself, keeping my head out of the clouds and my feet on the ground. He was a hard worker and an amazing man. I love him very much and am thankful for all the things I learned from him and that God decided to make him my dad.
Yeah when I get where I'm going
There'll be only happy tearsI will shed the sins and struggles
I have carried all these years
And I'll leave my heart wide open
I will love and have no fear
Yeah when I get where I'm going
Don't cry for me down here
When I think of my father I think of:
Easter egg hunts every easter with plastic eggs w/ money in them.
Pretty dresses he loved to buy us
His beard thinner I unfortunately mistaked for a comb.
Camping and fishing
Sausage links for breakfast
Diet Pepsi
Pall Malls
The sound of his voice when he said "sweetheart"
"Love You More"
Quarters under the diet pepsi can.
Wendy Oaks
Used Cars
How much he loved his grandkids, they meant the world to him and he loved to tease them.
His habit of saying EXACTLY what was on his mind.
His desire for us to appreciate what we had and never stop chasing our dreams.
My dad and I had a relationship that grew stronger as I got older. I cherish the time I had with my dad and I am thankful that I had an open heart and didnt shut doors to our relationship when things weren't always exactly what I may have wanted. I have a firm belief that both my parents did the best they could with what they knew. As my dad grew older and wiser and knew more, he implemented it. I have wonderful memories with him as a little girl and some even fonder ones when I was an adult. As much as it pained me to be there thru the diabetes and his leg amputation, I am thankful that I got to be part of his life at that time. Its at our darkest hours that sometimes God can bring the biggest blessings and my dad was a huge blessing to me. I miss him very much and will be forever thankful him teaching me to appreciate what I had, to try to understand my husbands point of view in a disagreement, (My dad LOVED my husband and as far as he was concerned Dan could do no wrong, so this served as a tool for me to understand Dan's side more when I was upset with him about something). My dad taught me about making things work for yourself, keeping my head out of the clouds and my feet on the ground. He was a hard worker and an amazing man. I love him very much and am thankful for all the things I learned from him and that God decided to make him my dad.
When I get where I'm going
On the far side of the sky
The first thing that I'm gonna do
Is spread my wings and fly
I'm gonna land beside a lion
And run my fingers through his mane
Or I might find out what it's like
To ride a drop of rain
On the far side of the sky
The first thing that I'm gonna do
Is spread my wings and fly
I'm gonna land beside a lion
And run my fingers through his mane
Or I might find out what it's like
To ride a drop of rain
Yeah when I get where I'm going
There'll be only happy tearsI will shed the sins and struggles
I have carried all these years
And I'll leave my heart wide open
I will love and have no fear
Yeah when I get where I'm going
Don't cry for me down here
Friday, November 4, 2011
Day 4 Thankful for my Freedom
Today I give thanks for my freedom. We have many freedoms that millions of the people in this world do not have. I am thankful I am free to worship God, make choices for my life, express my opinion and many many more freedoms that I am blessed to have. I also take this opportunity to ask anyone reading this to pray for the people in this world that do not have these freedoms, people who spend years upon years in prison for doing the things many of us take for granted.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thankful For My Mother
I am so very thankful for my mother. Although I have not seen my mother for almost 17 years, I will never forget the things she taught or the sacrafices she made for me.
I was 25 years old the day my mother passed away. Wow thats just a year older then our oldest child is now. :( My mother was a hard working woman, who worked in the factory all day and would come home to work the garden and the animals on our farm at night and all thru her weekends. I dont think she ever took a vacation, spent much time shopping for herself, or really expected to much out of life other then the basics. She was an amazingly open woman whom you never had to guess where she was coming from. If you did something to upset her, you would be the FIRST to know. She wouldnt spend any time telling the rest the world, she'd bring it to you and resolve it with you.
When I think of my Mom I think of:
Her silver coffee pot
Her spot at the kitchen table
Her yummy lasagna
The evidence of the garden on her hands
Casseroles like Green Bean Casserole and Scalloped Potatos and Ham
The picture that hung above her bed.
The little school spirit pom poms she made for my shoes
Her enormously huge strawberry patch
Mowing the yard with her for hours upon hours
Ham sandwiches with chips on them and a glass of lemonade.
Her beautiful hands and the way she'd reach for you with them to show her love.
The way she called me a hopless romantic.
The sound of her voice when she said Rebecca Marie
The winter coat she made me when we couldnt afford to buy a new one and my desire to make her think it was EXACTLY the coat I wanted
Her Easter Egg hunts she did for all the kids and the bags full of candy everyone took home.
The way she loved any child who stepped foot on her farm, it didnt matter if the child was her grandchild, a friend of her grandchild, a child of a b/f or g/f of the family, everyone was
treated the same and everyone was loved on.
My mother was the REAL DEAL as I like to refer to people who are what you see and you see what you get. Its hard to believe I haven't seen her for 17 years. I spent most of my adult life with out her and although there is a emptiness from not having her here, she has always been what has made me who I am. I am so thankful for a mother who taught me how to be selfless, put others first, speak the truth, ALWAYS care about how I make people feel, always encourage and build others up but remember accountability is part of life. My mother has made me so many things that I am today and I miss her. I sometimes squeeze my eyes as tight as I can thinking the tighter I close them the better I can remember her face, her touch, her hands and her eyes.
I often meet up with her late at night, in my dreams she is often there and in the morning when I wake instead of crying that it was just a dream, I smile that my dreams help me to never forget the woman she was. My 3rd November thanks, is for my mother Dororthy Charlette and everything she was. I love you Mom!
I was 25 years old the day my mother passed away. Wow thats just a year older then our oldest child is now. :( My mother was a hard working woman, who worked in the factory all day and would come home to work the garden and the animals on our farm at night and all thru her weekends. I dont think she ever took a vacation, spent much time shopping for herself, or really expected to much out of life other then the basics. She was an amazingly open woman whom you never had to guess where she was coming from. If you did something to upset her, you would be the FIRST to know. She wouldnt spend any time telling the rest the world, she'd bring it to you and resolve it with you.
When I think of my Mom I think of:
Her silver coffee pot
Her spot at the kitchen table
Her yummy lasagna
The evidence of the garden on her hands
Casseroles like Green Bean Casserole and Scalloped Potatos and Ham
The picture that hung above her bed.
The little school spirit pom poms she made for my shoes
Her enormously huge strawberry patch
Mowing the yard with her for hours upon hours
Ham sandwiches with chips on them and a glass of lemonade.
Her beautiful hands and the way she'd reach for you with them to show her love.
The way she called me a hopless romantic.
The sound of her voice when she said Rebecca Marie
The winter coat she made me when we couldnt afford to buy a new one and my desire to make her think it was EXACTLY the coat I wanted
Her Easter Egg hunts she did for all the kids and the bags full of candy everyone took home.
The way she loved any child who stepped foot on her farm, it didnt matter if the child was her grandchild, a friend of her grandchild, a child of a b/f or g/f of the family, everyone was
treated the same and everyone was loved on.
My mother was the REAL DEAL as I like to refer to people who are what you see and you see what you get. Its hard to believe I haven't seen her for 17 years. I spent most of my adult life with out her and although there is a emptiness from not having her here, she has always been what has made me who I am. I am so thankful for a mother who taught me how to be selfless, put others first, speak the truth, ALWAYS care about how I make people feel, always encourage and build others up but remember accountability is part of life. My mother has made me so many things that I am today and I miss her. I sometimes squeeze my eyes as tight as I can thinking the tighter I close them the better I can remember her face, her touch, her hands and her eyes.
I often meet up with her late at night, in my dreams she is often there and in the morning when I wake instead of crying that it was just a dream, I smile that my dreams help me to never forget the woman she was. My 3rd November thanks, is for my mother Dororthy Charlette and everything she was. I love you Mom!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Thankful For My Kitchen Table
Day 2
I am so thankful for my kitchen table. My table holds so many memories that I sometimes wish there was a video of all the things that have taken place around this table so I could go back and review and enjoy those times over and over again.
Most people who have visited my house know if you come over, you will seldom see me in front of the TV but you will almost always see me at my kitchen table. This table represents so much to me and I have communicated with so many people from this kitchen table. Either because I am sitting here on the phone talking to someone, or I am on the computer corresponding with someone thru email or facebook or my very favorite is when people are sitting here around my table with me. We tend to call it table talk and I have shared in table talk around this table with probably hundreds of people.
I think back of some of my favorite memories at this table.
**We always eat our meals at our kitchen table. Saying prayer, sharing a meal and sharing our highs and lows of the day is one of my favorite memories.
**Sitting up late into the night with Daniel at one end of the table doing his homework and me finding something to do at the other end. Either surfing the net, social networking, studying the word, reading a magazine, whatever I could do to keep myself awake because I have always hated going to bed and leaving anyone up with tasks left unfinished in a quiet house by themself. I guess it was my way of showing him support for the endless hours he put into getting good grades and always giving 100%.
**My childrens friends have many a times came over and flat out told me that they just enjoy sitting around the table talking. We have had some CRAZY conversations around this table and a lot of fun. I hope I planted seeds in their lives so that when they are older they take the time out to just sit around and talk to teens about whats important to them.
**Playing games around my table with my many family members and friends is one of my most treasured memories. I spent some of my most enjoyable times with my father the last couple years he was alive, with all of us trying to beat eachother out of our quarters. :)
**If I could count all the times my children sat down and shared things with me, their dreams for their future, things going on in their lives etc. I bet 95% of those conversations took place at this kitchen table.
**I can remember Derek at this table with his dice and paper, way back to when he was just a little boy. I was always impressed with the games he would play and needed nothing but the dice and paper. The ability these games he thought of had in keeping his friends interest for hours when they would come over.
** Coloring Easter Eggs with my kids who would amuse me and continue doing this long past the age they really wanted to participate.
**Watching Mark put so much effort into trying to polish the scratches from this table that its endured over the years, reminds me of his desire to take good care of the things in life that are important to him. He has always put great care into taking care of things and its nice to know this table was imporant enough to him to do that.
**The projects we worked on at this kitchen table. Either working up bids with Dan for the business or helping the kids with their school projects and probably helping more then I should. :)
**It warmed my heart at Aarons Sr Presentation when he made mention of this table and all the table talk that he enjoyed around this table when he was growing up. It was nice to hear that all those hours sitting up talking really mattered to him.
**The times I spent with my close friends, sitting up till the wee hours of the morning, sharing our hearts, bouncing ideas off eachother, just not wanting to give in and call it a night because the conversation was just to enjoyable.
**I believe this kitchen table played a huge part in me getting to know the 3 women in my older boys lives that mean so much to them. It doesnt matter if I have known them 5 years or a few months. There is just something that happens when Paige, Beth and Emily sit down around this table. Their abilty to open up and just be themselves is such a huge blessing to me.
**The memory of the times spent with Tara and her g/fs around this table. Most memorable being when they all came to rally and support her the days before she left for the guard.
**Sitting at this table putting the flowers together for Tara's wedding to Jarrod. The great times us ladies had doing that.
**The cookie bakes and the wonderful times we had doing those around this table.
**So much of who I am and my own personal ministry to love on people and encourage people has happend around this table.
I am so thankful for this table that can be a table for 4 or made large enough that I think we have fit 12 to 14 chairs around it. I am thankful for everything we have built in love around this table.
I am so thankful for my kitchen table. My table holds so many memories that I sometimes wish there was a video of all the things that have taken place around this table so I could go back and review and enjoy those times over and over again.
Most people who have visited my house know if you come over, you will seldom see me in front of the TV but you will almost always see me at my kitchen table. This table represents so much to me and I have communicated with so many people from this kitchen table. Either because I am sitting here on the phone talking to someone, or I am on the computer corresponding with someone thru email or facebook or my very favorite is when people are sitting here around my table with me. We tend to call it table talk and I have shared in table talk around this table with probably hundreds of people.
I think back of some of my favorite memories at this table.
**We always eat our meals at our kitchen table. Saying prayer, sharing a meal and sharing our highs and lows of the day is one of my favorite memories.
**Sitting up late into the night with Daniel at one end of the table doing his homework and me finding something to do at the other end. Either surfing the net, social networking, studying the word, reading a magazine, whatever I could do to keep myself awake because I have always hated going to bed and leaving anyone up with tasks left unfinished in a quiet house by themself. I guess it was my way of showing him support for the endless hours he put into getting good grades and always giving 100%.
**My childrens friends have many a times came over and flat out told me that they just enjoy sitting around the table talking. We have had some CRAZY conversations around this table and a lot of fun. I hope I planted seeds in their lives so that when they are older they take the time out to just sit around and talk to teens about whats important to them.
**Playing games around my table with my many family members and friends is one of my most treasured memories. I spent some of my most enjoyable times with my father the last couple years he was alive, with all of us trying to beat eachother out of our quarters. :)
**If I could count all the times my children sat down and shared things with me, their dreams for their future, things going on in their lives etc. I bet 95% of those conversations took place at this kitchen table.
**I can remember Derek at this table with his dice and paper, way back to when he was just a little boy. I was always impressed with the games he would play and needed nothing but the dice and paper. The ability these games he thought of had in keeping his friends interest for hours when they would come over.
** Coloring Easter Eggs with my kids who would amuse me and continue doing this long past the age they really wanted to participate.
**Watching Mark put so much effort into trying to polish the scratches from this table that its endured over the years, reminds me of his desire to take good care of the things in life that are important to him. He has always put great care into taking care of things and its nice to know this table was imporant enough to him to do that.
**The projects we worked on at this kitchen table. Either working up bids with Dan for the business or helping the kids with their school projects and probably helping more then I should. :)
**It warmed my heart at Aarons Sr Presentation when he made mention of this table and all the table talk that he enjoyed around this table when he was growing up. It was nice to hear that all those hours sitting up talking really mattered to him.
**The times I spent with my close friends, sitting up till the wee hours of the morning, sharing our hearts, bouncing ideas off eachother, just not wanting to give in and call it a night because the conversation was just to enjoyable.
**I believe this kitchen table played a huge part in me getting to know the 3 women in my older boys lives that mean so much to them. It doesnt matter if I have known them 5 years or a few months. There is just something that happens when Paige, Beth and Emily sit down around this table. Their abilty to open up and just be themselves is such a huge blessing to me.
**The memory of the times spent with Tara and her g/fs around this table. Most memorable being when they all came to rally and support her the days before she left for the guard.
**Sitting at this table putting the flowers together for Tara's wedding to Jarrod. The great times us ladies had doing that.
**The cookie bakes and the wonderful times we had doing those around this table.
**So much of who I am and my own personal ministry to love on people and encourage people has happend around this table.
I am so thankful for this table that can be a table for 4 or made large enough that I think we have fit 12 to 14 chairs around it. I am thankful for everything we have built in love around this table.
I am going to try to spend each day in the month of November sharing what I am thankful for. I started this on Nov 1st but didnt get the post posted to my blog so I will make up for that by reposting day 1 now and post day 2 later today.
Most importantly the first thing I would like to give thanks for is my relationship with Jesus Christ. I look back at the way my life was before I had a relationship with Christ and the way it is now and it is a ton different. I still have problems, I still get my heart broke, I still fear things, I still worry, I mess up, make huge mistakes, sometimes feel anxious............ all the things that are not of Christ, still creeps into my life. The difference between now and then is I now have a safe place to go and I know those things are not of the life God has planned for me. I have a best friend, a father and a love all in one main for sure thing and that is my relationship with Jesus Christ.
So on my first sharing of thanks for November, I want to thank Jesus for accepting me just the way I am, for loving me regardless of my mess ups and for being that constant in my life.
Most importantly the first thing I would like to give thanks for is my relationship with Jesus Christ. I look back at the way my life was before I had a relationship with Christ and the way it is now and it is a ton different. I still have problems, I still get my heart broke, I still fear things, I still worry, I mess up, make huge mistakes, sometimes feel anxious............ all the things that are not of Christ, still creeps into my life. The difference between now and then is I now have a safe place to go and I know those things are not of the life God has planned for me. I have a best friend, a father and a love all in one main for sure thing and that is my relationship with Jesus Christ.
So on my first sharing of thanks for November, I want to thank Jesus for accepting me just the way I am, for loving me regardless of my mess ups and for being that constant in my life.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
It sort of sounds like a dirty word doesn't it? Thats because it can be. Jealousy is one of the most powerful emotions because it causes people to do things that they may not normally do in the right state of mind. I mean jealousy really can put a person out of their mind. People are willing to do crazy things for the mere fact that they are jealous of someone, including but not limited to, being hateful, excluding people, abuse, lieing about, destroying a persons reputation, causing other people to alienate someone and even murdering the person they are jealous of. All done simply because that person has acquired something in life that they want for themself. The damage a person can do to another person out of a jealous fit or rage is not only ridiculous but down right scary. It says in James 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
I bet if you asked my kids what I taught them about jealousy they'd tell you I said its a normal feeling that people get. I truly feel it is, but the way some people respond to that feeling is FAR FAR from normal. In fact I distinctly remember telling my children. "Don't be afraid to admit your jealous, most everyone has probably been jealous at one time or another, but be VERY CAREFUL how you handle your jealousy." You see just because I am jealous of the lady who I see at the grocery store who can still fit into her size 5 jeans, it doesnt give me the right to run around the store telling people shes a thief and I saw her eating the grapes in the produce department. Does that sound crazy? Well it is, but sadly enough people often times will try to destroy another person or make that person look bad simply because they are jealous of them. Lets face it the worse they look to everyone else, the less there is to be jealous of ..... right? So now we put off feeling jealous and traded it in for guilt and something to be held accountable for. Yes I believe we will be held accountable for pain we bring onto other people, and destroying another person to make yourself less jealous causes that person a HUGE amount of pain.
Raising 5 kids, and growing up around a load of siblings, I have seen my fair share of jealousy. I think its unfortunate that parents don't talk to their kids a bit more about this feeling called jealousy. There are some people out there walking around hating on other people and they dont even have a clue why. If you ask them why they dislike the person they may beable to sputter out some nonsense about how that person isnt living their life the way they should, or they just don't like their personality, but I bet many a times there might be a form of jealousy that lays under all that hate. Now dont get me wrong, I am not saying that you are jealous of every single person you have ever disliked, but I'd be brave enough to say that I bet a few of those people made your DO NOT LIKE list because of something that started out with jealousy.
I am not afraid to admit to being jealous. If I am jealous of something I will say I am jealous. I would rather admit to that dirty word of emotion then ignore it and let it grow into something I myself dont even know where it originated from. I heard a sermon from Joyce Meyers once where she talked about jealousy...... she had some pretty good advice....... if you are really jealous of someone, get to know that person, work along side them, you may find out they don't have as much to be jealous of as you thought. You may then realize everything that person has went thru to get to where they are. Great musicians are not born, they practice and often time spend countless hours mastering their instrument. Great athletes invest endless hours into themself and go make huge physical sacrafices. Theres always an investment a person makes to get to where they are at. If nothing else, working alongside that person will also help you to take the focus off yourself and be a blessing to someone else.
Undealt with jealousy almost always leads to anger and anger of course can destroy anything in its path. Heres a thought, the next time you find yourself really angry with someone, try to check yourself and make sure those feelings arent stemmed from jealousy. Once you realize they are from jealousy, you realize the problem your having is really your problem and has nothing to do with the other person.
I want to encourage anyone reading this to take a real close look at yourself. I bet you have some really awesome gifts and talents, alot to offer this world, I hope you are using those gifts and dont leave them to this world unopened. BEST of all, once you focus on your own gifts you won't be as inclined to be jealous of other peoples gifts. God Bless!!! :)
I bet if you asked my kids what I taught them about jealousy they'd tell you I said its a normal feeling that people get. I truly feel it is, but the way some people respond to that feeling is FAR FAR from normal. In fact I distinctly remember telling my children. "Don't be afraid to admit your jealous, most everyone has probably been jealous at one time or another, but be VERY CAREFUL how you handle your jealousy." You see just because I am jealous of the lady who I see at the grocery store who can still fit into her size 5 jeans, it doesnt give me the right to run around the store telling people shes a thief and I saw her eating the grapes in the produce department. Does that sound crazy? Well it is, but sadly enough people often times will try to destroy another person or make that person look bad simply because they are jealous of them. Lets face it the worse they look to everyone else, the less there is to be jealous of ..... right? So now we put off feeling jealous and traded it in for guilt and something to be held accountable for. Yes I believe we will be held accountable for pain we bring onto other people, and destroying another person to make yourself less jealous causes that person a HUGE amount of pain.
Raising 5 kids, and growing up around a load of siblings, I have seen my fair share of jealousy. I think its unfortunate that parents don't talk to their kids a bit more about this feeling called jealousy. There are some people out there walking around hating on other people and they dont even have a clue why. If you ask them why they dislike the person they may beable to sputter out some nonsense about how that person isnt living their life the way they should, or they just don't like their personality, but I bet many a times there might be a form of jealousy that lays under all that hate. Now dont get me wrong, I am not saying that you are jealous of every single person you have ever disliked, but I'd be brave enough to say that I bet a few of those people made your DO NOT LIKE list because of something that started out with jealousy.
I am not afraid to admit to being jealous. If I am jealous of something I will say I am jealous. I would rather admit to that dirty word of emotion then ignore it and let it grow into something I myself dont even know where it originated from. I heard a sermon from Joyce Meyers once where she talked about jealousy...... she had some pretty good advice....... if you are really jealous of someone, get to know that person, work along side them, you may find out they don't have as much to be jealous of as you thought. You may then realize everything that person has went thru to get to where they are. Great musicians are not born, they practice and often time spend countless hours mastering their instrument. Great athletes invest endless hours into themself and go make huge physical sacrafices. Theres always an investment a person makes to get to where they are at. If nothing else, working alongside that person will also help you to take the focus off yourself and be a blessing to someone else.
Undealt with jealousy almost always leads to anger and anger of course can destroy anything in its path. Heres a thought, the next time you find yourself really angry with someone, try to check yourself and make sure those feelings arent stemmed from jealousy. Once you realize they are from jealousy, you realize the problem your having is really your problem and has nothing to do with the other person.
I want to encourage anyone reading this to take a real close look at yourself. I bet you have some really awesome gifts and talents, alot to offer this world, I hope you are using those gifts and dont leave them to this world unopened. BEST of all, once you focus on your own gifts you won't be as inclined to be jealous of other peoples gifts. God Bless!!! :)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Stolen Pieces of My Heart
Have you ever had your heart broke? or worse yet had pieces of it missing because someone captured a part of it so strongly that it goes with them everywhere and they just can't return it? This thief, the one who stole a piece of your heart probably had no intentions of doing so but they just did it. In fact they would probably spend a great deal of time trying to glue it back if they thought they could, the reality is they can't, they will have it with them forever.
I spent some time this week feeling like I had a broken heart. You know the feeling..... feeling in your gut that you just cant remove, the lump in your throat that your afraid to swallow because if you do, you just might then get sick. Then the tears that just set right at the base of your eyelids that are ready to pour out just at the mention of the person who the mere thought of is creating all this emotion. Yep thats been the raw feelings I have been carrying around for the last several days. I felt like my heart was just broken, till today, I realized it is not broken at all.
This morning as I stood in church listening to the music and worshiping the Lord, the worship team started to sing a song that had the words "You've stolen my heart, oh yes you have" As I sang that song that is refering to the way the Lord steals our heart when we fall in love with him, I realized there are other times in life that certain very special people steal pieces of my heart. I realized that this feeling that I have been walking around with is not that of a broken heart. A broken heart is hurt, suffering, damaged, but for me it is more of a piece of it is just not as close to me as I'd like it to be right now. There is a piece that belongs to one special person and that person is not around like I have been accustomed to and he took that piece with him. Although this can be very sad, it can be a joyful thing as well.
This past week, I helped my 2nd to youngest child Daniel get ready to leave for college. You would think that for as much of a struggle as it was and is, that I sent him off to Japan or something, but hes actually only 1 hour away. :) Yes 1 HOUR. You would also think he was my first child to ever say good bye to... which of course is not the case. Regardless of my experience with letting go or how close he is going to be, things are just not going to be the same, he will be exactly 1 hour further away then my heart would like him to be. He is also the 4th child who has now done this to me and I have the unfortunate knowledge of knowing that one that is running around the house right now pretending to need me is going to do the same exact thing far sooner then I want him to.
I had a new friend tell me this weekend that raising children is a "Lifetime of Letting Go". She is very correct, from the time they are born you are in some way letting go. I remember the first time after coming home from the hospitial with each of my children when I would leave the house and leave my child with their father. I had carried that child in my belly for several months yet now I was headed out the door and leaving him behind...... this was when the Lifetime of Letting Go started for me. So I agree with my new friend that raising children is a Lifetime of Letting Go.
As for this phase in Daniel's life, I realize my heart is not broken, he has simply stolen a piece of it that will never be returned. Would I want it any other way? Do I want to keep him at home and not encourage him along lifes journey? Of course not!! Do I realize how lucky I am to have a child that is healthy and able to go live on his own in a dorm and meet new people? YES DEFINITELY!! Am I thankful that he got above excellent grades that led to scholarships that gave him this opportunity? Again definitely!! Do I think he picked the right college for him? For sure! So all those things that people can tell me as I walk around with a piece of my heart missing, I promise I already know. :) I would not want this to be any other way. But I for now, my heart is just a bit at a loss and has to learn how to function although another piece of it is missing. I say another because of course Tara, Mark and Aaron are all carrying pieces around with them. My parents of course have taken pieces with them and others who are just no longer as close to me physically as I would like for them to be. I am thankful that I have had the pleasure of having so many special people in my life and that my heart is not broken but just pieces of it are stolen. :)
I spent some time this week feeling like I had a broken heart. You know the feeling..... feeling in your gut that you just cant remove, the lump in your throat that your afraid to swallow because if you do, you just might then get sick. Then the tears that just set right at the base of your eyelids that are ready to pour out just at the mention of the person who the mere thought of is creating all this emotion. Yep thats been the raw feelings I have been carrying around for the last several days. I felt like my heart was just broken, till today, I realized it is not broken at all.
This morning as I stood in church listening to the music and worshiping the Lord, the worship team started to sing a song that had the words "You've stolen my heart, oh yes you have" As I sang that song that is refering to the way the Lord steals our heart when we fall in love with him, I realized there are other times in life that certain very special people steal pieces of my heart. I realized that this feeling that I have been walking around with is not that of a broken heart. A broken heart is hurt, suffering, damaged, but for me it is more of a piece of it is just not as close to me as I'd like it to be right now. There is a piece that belongs to one special person and that person is not around like I have been accustomed to and he took that piece with him. Although this can be very sad, it can be a joyful thing as well.
This past week, I helped my 2nd to youngest child Daniel get ready to leave for college. You would think that for as much of a struggle as it was and is, that I sent him off to Japan or something, but hes actually only 1 hour away. :) Yes 1 HOUR. You would also think he was my first child to ever say good bye to... which of course is not the case. Regardless of my experience with letting go or how close he is going to be, things are just not going to be the same, he will be exactly 1 hour further away then my heart would like him to be. He is also the 4th child who has now done this to me and I have the unfortunate knowledge of knowing that one that is running around the house right now pretending to need me is going to do the same exact thing far sooner then I want him to.
I had a new friend tell me this weekend that raising children is a "Lifetime of Letting Go". She is very correct, from the time they are born you are in some way letting go. I remember the first time after coming home from the hospitial with each of my children when I would leave the house and leave my child with their father. I had carried that child in my belly for several months yet now I was headed out the door and leaving him behind...... this was when the Lifetime of Letting Go started for me. So I agree with my new friend that raising children is a Lifetime of Letting Go.
As for this phase in Daniel's life, I realize my heart is not broken, he has simply stolen a piece of it that will never be returned. Would I want it any other way? Do I want to keep him at home and not encourage him along lifes journey? Of course not!! Do I realize how lucky I am to have a child that is healthy and able to go live on his own in a dorm and meet new people? YES DEFINITELY!! Am I thankful that he got above excellent grades that led to scholarships that gave him this opportunity? Again definitely!! Do I think he picked the right college for him? For sure! So all those things that people can tell me as I walk around with a piece of my heart missing, I promise I already know. :) I would not want this to be any other way. But I for now, my heart is just a bit at a loss and has to learn how to function although another piece of it is missing. I say another because of course Tara, Mark and Aaron are all carrying pieces around with them. My parents of course have taken pieces with them and others who are just no longer as close to me physically as I would like for them to be. I am thankful that I have had the pleasure of having so many special people in my life and that my heart is not broken but just pieces of it are stolen. :)
Friday, July 22, 2011
Don't let disappointment be an excuse.
While talking to a friend today, we briefly touched on the subject of how often times people give God 'credit' for the times in their life they were disappointed by Christians. Its true. How many times have you heard someone say "I don't go to church because I havent found one that really practices what they preach" or "I havent found a REAL church yet" or the one that really makes me cringe "I am not going to go to church because I know a Christian who doesnt live the way they should" Don't get me wrong....... I know plenty of people who dont go to church simply because they don't want to. They don't blame in on the "church' for why they aren't there in worship being fed Gods word........ they just don't want to go to church so they don't. That is a whole different blog but this one is refering to those who come right out and say they aren't going to church because they have been wronged by a Christian at some point in their life, or they dont trust the church, etc. I just want to ask those people who feel that way to love those people in the church, the way Jesus loves you, and forgive them for disappointing you. Don't let people disappointing you keep you from what God has planned for you. I do know that you can worship God at home, you can pray at home, etc. But a certain growth happens when you attend a healthy church that simply does not usually happen if you are not truly spending time in worship and the word among other believers. Belonging to a church body is part of what God has planned for us. As a Christian I KNOW I have disappointed believers and non believers and I want to apologize for that and ask that no one ever use that as a reason to stay out of church. You see I am not a hypocrite, but I am sinner. A sinner who seeks God's wisdom and ask God to show me the direction away from that sin. Sometimes God has to reach down and point me in a new direction several times before I leave that path of sin..... and sometimes I tend to find my way back there even though I have no intention or desire to be there. I do truly love the Lord and I do truly try to honor God by loving others and admittedly some of you make that easier then others. :) BUT my point to this is simply to ask you to forgive those who have hurt you in the church and never stop seeking to find that church that you can grow in along with other believers. In my past 14 years as a CHRISTian I can honestly tell you that some of my most rewarding times in life were those spent in the church and with my church family. I don't think every church is right for everybody, but I do believe everybody has a place in the church. I pray you find yours.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Thankful That I Can Pray!!
Have you ever noticed how excited people get about something that is yet to come.
Yet they sit in the moment letting time slide by while nothing at all is done.
Think if we looked ahead at every hour and planned things for our day.
Not allowing a minute to go by in waste even it is to be on our knees and pray.
Have you ever known a friend is hurting but they never turned to you?
Like when we want everything to change but telling God is the last thing we do.
We complain and we gripe that things never seem to go our way.
But do we ever truly get down on our knees and pray?
The power or prayer is as strong as a what ice crystals are clear.
The truth is we don't ask at times because it is the answer that we fear.
A man prays for patience and then his children have him learning it all day.
Maybe its these times of frustration that we should truly be on our knees and pray.
Thank you dear God for children that can run all throughout my house.
Thank you dear God that they are healthy enough to run scream and shout.
Thank you dear God that my life is so full that it is causing all of my hairs to turn gray.
Thank you dear God that I have the ability to get down on my knees and pray.
Yet they sit in the moment letting time slide by while nothing at all is done.
Think if we looked ahead at every hour and planned things for our day.
Not allowing a minute to go by in waste even it is to be on our knees and pray.
Have you ever known a friend is hurting but they never turned to you?
Like when we want everything to change but telling God is the last thing we do.
We complain and we gripe that things never seem to go our way.
But do we ever truly get down on our knees and pray?
The power or prayer is as strong as a what ice crystals are clear.
The truth is we don't ask at times because it is the answer that we fear.
A man prays for patience and then his children have him learning it all day.
Maybe its these times of frustration that we should truly be on our knees and pray.
Thank you dear God for children that can run all throughout my house.
Thank you dear God that they are healthy enough to run scream and shout.
Thank you dear God that my life is so full that it is causing all of my hairs to turn gray.
Thank you dear God that I have the ability to get down on my knees and pray.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
It really really does
Obviously I have decided to blog...... and as I sat and pondered what I most am interested in blogging about, I decided its about the fact that Life Happens........ and it really does. As long as your here....on this earth that is...... life is gonna happen.
At 41 years old, married twice, divorced ONCE, 5 children (3 gifted to me biologically and 2 gifted to me with my marriage) survivor of a broken neck, the only living parent or grandparent is a stepfather whom although I adore he just isn't real active in my life, hardships and triumps and not truly knowing God till my late 20s, I think I have a bit to blog about.
Let me tell you a bit more about myself. I grew up in a divorced home. I think by the time I was 12, I had lived in 20 plus houses and been to more then a half dozen schools and some twice. I made that tough tough decision at 12 to move from one parents house to another. Not because I loved one more then the other, more probably because of that need to have that relationship with my mother that every little girl desires to have. By the time I was 12 so many things had happened in my life that someday I might touch on but to sum it up I always believed my parents did the best with what they had. My childhood was much different then that of my children. Was I less love? Not a chance! Was I less attended to? Yes probably! O.K. fine DEFINITELY!! Life was different back then, it just wasnt the same, but it did happen. Life that is, because as we know Life Happens.
When I look back into my childhood I like to look for all things that made me smile. There were few things in my childhood that I absolutely without a doubt knew I could count on. Those things I still cherish today. One of those things was my older sister she is 2 years 2 months my elder, despite what she may want to make you believe. If I moved to a new school and was going to have to face the tirade of bullies after school as walking into some of the less desireable neighborhoods, I always, always, knew my sister had my back. If was going to spend the entire day at a laundromat doing our families laundry at the age of 9 or 10 I always, always knew my sister would be right there with me. If I was going to sit up late at night wondering when my dad was going to be home from work, I always knew my sister would be right there with me. She is the one person in my life from the earliest age I can remember right up till tonight as I start this new adventure of blogging........... that she will always..... as long as God is willing to allow it........ she will be there for me.
I guess I don't know if everyone has that 1 person. That one solid person throughout their life...... that they just always know....... no matter what road in life that other person is on, that they would always jump off their path to help you find your way along yours. For me..... its all I have ever known.....that is having that one person back as far as I can remember that was just always a constant, despite the trials that life brought my way. I am also fortunate enough to be able to say others have joined her along the way, in becoming one of those persons you just KNOW will be there for you. I pray for everyone to have those people in their lives. Although without them, Life still Happens, it does make the journey a bit better. I realize that I have so much I'd like to blog much that matters...... but as this late night is turning to morning, I probably better let it wait for another day.
Good Night!!
At 41 years old, married twice, divorced ONCE, 5 children (3 gifted to me biologically and 2 gifted to me with my marriage) survivor of a broken neck, the only living parent or grandparent is a stepfather whom although I adore he just isn't real active in my life, hardships and triumps and not truly knowing God till my late 20s, I think I have a bit to blog about.
Let me tell you a bit more about myself. I grew up in a divorced home. I think by the time I was 12, I had lived in 20 plus houses and been to more then a half dozen schools and some twice. I made that tough tough decision at 12 to move from one parents house to another. Not because I loved one more then the other, more probably because of that need to have that relationship with my mother that every little girl desires to have. By the time I was 12 so many things had happened in my life that someday I might touch on but to sum it up I always believed my parents did the best with what they had. My childhood was much different then that of my children. Was I less love? Not a chance! Was I less attended to? Yes probably! O.K. fine DEFINITELY!! Life was different back then, it just wasnt the same, but it did happen. Life that is, because as we know Life Happens.
When I look back into my childhood I like to look for all things that made me smile. There were few things in my childhood that I absolutely without a doubt knew I could count on. Those things I still cherish today. One of those things was my older sister she is 2 years 2 months my elder, despite what she may want to make you believe. If I moved to a new school and was going to have to face the tirade of bullies after school as walking into some of the less desireable neighborhoods, I always, always, knew my sister had my back. If was going to spend the entire day at a laundromat doing our families laundry at the age of 9 or 10 I always, always knew my sister would be right there with me. If I was going to sit up late at night wondering when my dad was going to be home from work, I always knew my sister would be right there with me. She is the one person in my life from the earliest age I can remember right up till tonight as I start this new adventure of blogging........... that she will always..... as long as God is willing to allow it........ she will be there for me.
I guess I don't know if everyone has that 1 person. That one solid person throughout their life...... that they just always know....... no matter what road in life that other person is on, that they would always jump off their path to help you find your way along yours. For me..... its all I have ever known.....that is having that one person back as far as I can remember that was just always a constant, despite the trials that life brought my way. I am also fortunate enough to be able to say others have joined her along the way, in becoming one of those persons you just KNOW will be there for you. I pray for everyone to have those people in their lives. Although without them, Life still Happens, it does make the journey a bit better. I realize that I have so much I'd like to blog much that matters...... but as this late night is turning to morning, I probably better let it wait for another day.
Good Night!!
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