Today is my first day and I started my day with a 44 oz fountain pop and am currently ending my day with a 44 oz fountain pop. I had no pop in between. I know, I know, 88 ozs of pop is still a HUGE amount of pop, but for me its not. The worst part is although I have still had about 1/3 of what I normally drink in a day, my head is not feeling the best. I had some green tea today hoping that would replace some of the caffeine so I could avoid this headache, but I am realizing its probably the aspartame or lack of that is contributing to this headache I have going on right now.
So can I get this addiction of mine under control without any intervention? :) I think I can, I gave up a 2 1/2 pack a day cigarette habit and gave all the glory to God. NO patch, not hypnotist, but alot of prayer and the blessing of God's here I go down another road of seeing what I have in me and how much I will hand over to God and how much of it I will try to handle myself. :)
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