
Joy of my life!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thankful That I Can Pray!!

Have you ever noticed how excited people get about something that is yet to come.
Yet they sit in the moment letting time slide by while nothing at all is done.
Think if we looked ahead at every hour and planned things for our day.
Not allowing a minute to go by in waste even it is to be on our knees and pray.

Have you ever known a friend is hurting but they never turned to you?
Like when we want everything to change but telling God is the last thing we do.
We complain and we gripe that things never seem to go our way.
But do we ever truly get down on our knees and pray?

The power or prayer is as strong as a what ice crystals are clear.
The truth is we don't ask at times because it is the answer that we fear.
A man prays for patience and then his children have him learning it all day.
Maybe its these times of frustration that we should truly be on our knees and pray.

Thank you dear God for children that can run all throughout my house.
Thank you dear God that they are healthy enough to run scream and shout.
Thank you dear God that my life is so full that it is causing all of my hairs to turn gray.
Thank you dear God that I have the ability to get down on my knees and pray.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for being able to pray! I found your start writing!
