
Joy of my life!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My experience doing the PUMP it up workout class on Monday Feb 20th

So I went to a 1 hour long "Pump it up" work out class yesterday that works cardio in with weights.  Here is my experience outlined:
**When I arrived everyone was set up in their spot with the cute little work out outfits/ their dumbbells, bars and benches.  It was obvious I should have arrived earlier to set my station up so I was starting to turn and leave.  At that point instructor says to me thru her mic "Are you a newcomer?"  I say to her (as I am trying to get closer to her so 30 people in the room dont hear me)  that it looks like they are all set up and ready to go so I will come back Wed  She in her most bubbly way says "OH NO, we will help you set your station up" at that point very engergetic girls run around getting everything I need for my hour of hell. 
**Instructor (while standing in front of room getting ready to start workout) announces to me they have me set up with minimum weights not like the regulars use so I am thinking "oh good this wont be to hard."
**Immediately she starts out with us using a bar bell with weights on it and says something about 200 squats to warm up.  (I chuckle thinking she is KIDDING)  She starts out and I am thinking "Wow she starts it out hard she must of been kidding about warming up"  A few more minutes into it she says "Are we warmed up?  Are we ready to get busy?"  OH GOSH I am wishing I wasn't so far from the door.
**15 minutes into class I have an urge to cry because I realize how ridiculous I look and that feeling I have in my gut that if I go 2 more minutes I will DIE and theres 45 more minutes on the clock.
**There are some  things I cant even do so I make up my own stuff just so I look like I am doing something.
**She repeatedly tells us to look straight ahead.  I dont like my view I see straight ahead, the lady in front of me has spandex shorts on that appear to be sliding down her backside and if they slide any further I am going to see the part of her lower back tattoo that I dont think is meant for the general public to see. 
**A very nice lady about 40 minutes in bounces over by me and says "hey honey your doing great, just keep it up"  As nice as she was I was realizing now why they put me so far away from the door.
**Toward the end of the work out they are doing this thing where you are on your forearms and your toes, body straight extended in air.  Honestly I just couldnt do it and I was done pretending I could so I just sort of layed flat on the floor.
**The music stops and I realize the workout is over as the instructor sings out "Did we feel it?" and the class breaks out in a cheer.  As I pull myself up off the floor I look around and notice almost everyone has already put all their stuff away and all I see is their small backsides exiting the room.
**At this point I look up and see the instructor and she says "so how was it, you coming back on Wednesday?"  at which point I say "Darn right I am coming back Wednesday......... or maybe Friday"  :)

Update:  Today is Tuesday and I feel like I have been ran over by a truck.  When I let my dogs out this morning I prayed they didnt run to the neighbors because if they did......... I wouldnt be going looking for them...... for fear I'd fall down in the field and woudlnt be able to get up. 

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