
Joy of my life!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful For My Mother

I am so very thankful for my mother. Although I have not seen my mother for almost 17 years, I will never forget the things she taught or the sacrafices she made for me.

I was 25 years old the day my mother passed away. Wow thats just a year older then our oldest child is now. :( My mother was a hard working woman, who worked in the factory all day and would come home to work the garden and the animals on our farm at night and all thru her weekends. I dont think she ever took a vacation, spent much time shopping for herself, or really expected to much out of life other then the basics. She was an amazingly open woman whom you never had to guess where she was coming from. If you did something to upset her, you would be the FIRST to know. She wouldnt spend any time telling the rest the world, she'd bring it to you and resolve it with you.

When I think of my Mom I think of:
Her silver coffee pot
Her spot at the kitchen table
Her yummy lasagna
The evidence of the garden on her hands
Casseroles like Green Bean Casserole and Scalloped Potatos and Ham
The picture that hung above her bed.
The little school spirit pom poms she made for my shoes
Her enormously huge strawberry patch
Mowing the yard with her for hours upon hours
Ham sandwiches with chips on them and a glass of lemonade.
Her beautiful hands and the way she'd reach for you with them to show her love.
The way she called me a hopless romantic.
The sound of her voice when she said Rebecca Marie
The winter coat she made me when we couldnt afford to buy a new one and my desire to make her think it was EXACTLY the coat I wanted
Her Easter Egg hunts she did for all the kids and the bags full of candy everyone took home.
The way she loved any child who stepped foot on her farm, it didnt matter if the child was her grandchild, a friend of her grandchild, a child of a b/f or g/f of the family, everyone was
treated the same and everyone was loved on.

My mother was the REAL DEAL as I like to refer to people who are what you see and you see what you get. Its hard to believe I haven't seen her for 17 years. I spent most of my adult life with out her and although there is a emptiness from not having her here, she has always been what has made me who I am. I am so thankful for a mother who taught me how to be selfless, put others first, speak the truth, ALWAYS care about how I make people feel, always encourage and build others up but remember accountability is part of life. My mother has made me so many things that I am today and I miss her. I sometimes squeeze my eyes as tight as I can thinking the tighter I close them the better I can remember her face, her touch, her hands and her eyes.

 I often meet up with her late at night, in my dreams she is often there and in the morning when I wake instead of crying that it was just a dream, I smile that my dreams help me to never forget the woman she was. My 3rd November thanks, is for my mother Dororthy Charlette and everything she was. I love you Mom!

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